Friday, 28 January 2011

Qn. for Jan 28th

Sorry for the late post...

What separates Group A from Group B?

Group A:

Grateful Dead
Creedence Clearwater Revival
The Who
Jimi Hendrix

Group B:

Led Zeppelin
The Beatles
The Doors
Bob Dylan

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Question for Wednesday Jan 26, 2011

Happy Republic Day folks!! And I welcome myself to the more juicy weekday slot!


Monday, 24 January 2011

Question for Jan 24

Identify the blacked out word.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Identify X, 21st Jan 2011

X was created originally by The Martin Agency and most recently generated in CGI by Framestore CFC. X first appeared in 1999 during the Screen Actors Guild strike that prevented the use of live actors. The original commercial features X pleading for people to stop calling him in error as he is X, not to be confused with the company name. Later "wrong number" ads used Dave Kelly as the voice of X. In the subsequent commercials with Jake Wood, X speaks with a Cockney accent, because it would be unexpected, according to Martin Agency's Steve Bassett. In current commercials the X's accent is more working-class, perhaps in an effort to further "humanize" him. "As computer animation got better and as we got to know the character better, we did a few things," says Steve Bassett, creative director at The Martin Agency. "We wanted to make him a little more guy-next-door. And he looks a lot more real than he's looked before."

X = ?

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Intro to the charmed wood- January 19th 2010

"If you happen to have read another book about __ __, you may remember t hat he once had a swan (or the swan had __ __, I don't know which) and that he used to call this swan __. That was a long time ago, and when we said goodbye, we took the name with us, as we didn't think the swan would want it anymore. Well, when Edward Bear said that he would like an exciting name all to himself, __ __ said at once, without stopping to think, that he was __-__-__. And he was. So I have explained the __ part. Now I will explain the rest of it."

Identify the extract above; and the blanks for bonus points!

Friday, 14 January 2011

Qn. for Jan 14th

Water memory is a conjecture that water is capable of retaining a "memory" of substances once dissolved in it to arbitrary dilution. Shaking the water at each stage of a serial dilution is claimed to be necessary for an effect to occur. The concept was proposed by Jacques Benveniste to explain the purported powers of X, where solutions are diluted to such a high degree that not even a single molecule of the original substance remains in most final preparations.

Benveniste published a paper in 1988 in the prestigious scientific journal Nature describing the action of very high dilutions of an antibody on the degranulation of human basophils. He concluded that the configuration of molecules in water was biologically active. Subsequent investigations have not supported Benveniste's findings,
which are now cited as an example of pathological science.

Identify X.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Question for 4th Jan 2010

What's this series about? I have not included the 1st 11 entries.

12: 1334-1342
13: 1724-1730
14: 1740-1758
15: 1914-1922
16: 2005-now.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

"Happy New Year" Question for Sunday, Jan 2, 2011


PS: Click on Image 2 for an enlarged view.