Tuesday 5 January 2010

Question for January 5, 2010

Happy New Year to one and all. Here is an easy one,
Connect the following and identify the blank. The list is in chronological order but not exhaustive.
Willie, Juanito, Tip and Tap, Gauchito, Niranjito, Pique, Ciao, Ato & Kaz & Nik, Goleo VI, -------.


Sailesh Ganesh said...

Don't remember what the next one is called, but these are the mascots for the FIFA world cup.

Rahul said...

Mascots of the FIFA World Cup.
No clue though which one's next...

Ankur said...

list = Footy WC Mascots
blank = Zakumi

anuj said...

World Cup Football mascots

The Answer said...

World Cup mascots is the correct answer. Congrats to all. Great work Ankur for getting the blank as well.