Friday 29 October 2010

Novel Title for 29th October 2010

A magazine excerpt from X was originally published as _____, but Y's agent, Candida Donadio, requested that it change the title of the novel so it would not be confused with another recently novel, Leon Uris's Mila 18. The title _____ was suggested, but because of the release of the 1960 movie Ocean's Eleven this was also rejected. _____ was also rejected, so as not to be confused with the World War II film Stalag 17, as well as _____, apparently because the publisher did not feel that 14 was a "funny number". Eventually the title came to be X, with the ___ also referring to a number of déjà vu-like events common in the novel.

X & Y?


AJ said...

Catch 22 by Joseph Heller?

Angelus said...

X= Catch 22
Y = Joseph Heller

Rahul said...

Catch 22 and Joseph Heller?

Dev said...

The only novel I can think of is Catch 22.

The Answer said...

Catch 22 by Joseph Heller it is. Congrats all.