Tuesday 13 April 2010

One for every hundred - April 13, 2010

About 300,000 little-seen workers (Y) perform a vital role (X) for the Indian capital. Most Indian cities have no formal system of X. In many cities Y provide the service. According to some estimates Y provide the service for 80% of Mumbai. Y are not paid by the state, relying instead on donations from the communities they serve and on meager profits from the sale of discarded items.

For every hundred residents of Delhi, there is one person engaged in X.

X and Y?


Ankur said...

X - Recycling
Y - People who go around collecting newspapers, bottles ect (forget what they are called)

Nikhil said...

X=Recycling. Y=folks who take away your garbage/old utensils (don't remember the technical term).

anuj said...

Y-Rag pickers

AJ said...

Y is the guys who pick up plastic wastes and glass bottles for recycle, so the role is recycling wastes?

Sailesh Ganesh said...

X = recycling, Y = bhangis?

The Answer said...

A - Recycling/ Garbage Collection and sorting
Y - Ragpickers, kabaadiwaalas, and so on.

Thanks for playing!