Friday 21 May 2010

Question for May 21 - PS

Connect the following:


2) Milton Sirotta (born c. 1929), the nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner.



(The list is in chronological order)


truce said...


Rahul said...

Clue-2 points to googol, from which google was derived. So, I'm taking a leap here and answering google!

Nikhil said...

Backrub was the early version of Google. So my connect is Google. No idea about other clues.

The Answer said...

The answer is indeed the origin of the word Google.

1) Enid Blyton was the first ever person to use the word Google (Google buns) in her book The Magic Faraway Tree.

2) Milton Sirotta coined the word googol, for the number 10^100 (1 followed by hundred zeros). Kasner popularized the concept in his book Mathematics and the Imagination (1940)

3) Brin and Page initially called their search engine as Backrub, and this picture was their logo.

4) Andy Bechtolsheim, the co-founder of Sun, writes a check for $100,000 to an entity that doesn't exist yet, in the name of Google Inc, since Brin and Page, while brainstorming on a new name, arrived at Google (a mis-spelling of googol). When it came time to encash the check, the company was formally called Google.

More interesting Google trivia at:

Congrats Truce, Rahul and Nikhil!