Monday 3 May 2010

Question for May 4th, 2010

X represents various components of the organization that commissioned it. Influenced by Monty Python's brand of humour, it has the following (not exhaustive):

A half-full box of half eaten Praline chocolates
A series of connected squat toilets
A Dracula style theme park
A piece with priests erecting the rainbow flag of the Gay rights movement
A structure draped over by a banner that says "GRÈVE!", meaning strike
A football pitch with players masturbating with a football
A pool of water with some minarets visible

While X received widespread condemnation, the people who created it expected it to be treated merely as a joke. Some people felt X revealed the lack of humour among those who criticized it. While X was not displayed at the place it was commissioned for, it can be seen on display at the Centre of Contemporary Art DOX in Prague-Holešovice.

What is X?


Ankur said...

Entropa by Cerny

The Answer said...

Congrats Ankur! The Answer is the "artwork" Entropa by Cerny, which was commissioned by the Czech govt. and which ran into controversy over its stereotypical depiction of different European Nationalities.