Monday 7 June 2010

Question for June 07, 2010

Born in 85 B.C., X is a diminutive but fearless and cunning warrior, ever eager for new adventures. He lives around 50 BC in a fictional village in northwest Armorica. This village is celebrated as the only one in the area still not conquered by Julius Caesar and his Roman legions. He is one of the smartest (and sanest) members of the village, and so he is usually chosen for any dangerous, important or exotic mission. Unlike most of the other villagers, he does not start or join brawls for the fun of it, although he does enjoy a good fight when there's cause. He rarely resorts to weapons, preferring to rely on his wits, and when necessary, his fists — though he carries his shortsword with him at all times, he is shown to be an occasional swordsman at best. What he does for a living is never truly known, though he is often shown going on missions, quests, or hunting.

Identify X.


Nikhil said...


Ankur said...


PS said...

Asterix the Gaul

Anonymous said...


anuj said...


The Answer said...

Asterix it is. Congrats to all!