Friday 12 November 2010

Identify X & Y: 12th November 2010

X drank a "recovery shake" and took an ice bath. He later had "three boxes of pizza, all sorts of chicken and mashed potatoes". He said that he was so hungry he could have eaten "12 Big Macs" but reported that drinking coconut water helped him rehydrate and avoid cramping as he had experienced in the past. He slept for less than four hours before arising.

Y on the other hand slept for very few hours, had a cold bath and a massage.

The next morning, Y was seen practicing and X was seen on a treadmill.

Who are X & Y? The above description is from this year.


Ankur said...

Isner n Mahut

Angelus said...

John Isner and Nicolas Mahut

anuj said...

isner and mahut

The Answer said...

Isner and Mahut it is. The events are after their marathon match in Wimbledon. Congrats all!!