Thursday 4 November 2010

Qn. for Nov. 5th.

X's work was stimulated by the Italian anatomist and physiologist Y, who in 1780 noticed that dissected frog's legs would twitch when struck by a spark from a Leyden jar, an external source of electricity. In 1786 he noticed that twitching would occur during lightning storms. After many years Y learned how to produce twitching without using any external source of electricity. In 1791 he published a report on "animal electricity." in which he detailed his creation consisting of frog's legs (FL) and two different metals A and B, each metal touching the frog's leg and each other, in the formation A-FL-B-A-FL-B...etc.

Within a year X made the requisite change in Y's creation and invented ___________. Who were X and Y? What did X invent?


Nikhil said...

Y is Galvani. Don't remember who X is, but his invention is the electromagnet?

anangrawat said...

One is Allesandro Volta, he invented the Voltaic Cell. Forget the other chap

The Answer said...

X - Alessandro Volta
Y - Luigi Galvani

Volta replaced frog legs in Galvani's creation with cardboard soaked in salt water to create the first battery/electric cell.