Tuesday 9 November 2010

Those far-flung states- Nov 10th 2010

Connect the following-

Alaska, Maine, Hawaii, Maine, Hawaii and Florida.

The order is not important. Repetitions are not to be ignored.

Clue: The total of 6 is one less than 7.

Clue#2: Think Geography! There are 7 _____s on earth.


Anonymous said...


Dev said...

Using the clues:

Closest of the American states to each continent (North America not included):

South America: Florida
Europe & Africa: Maine
Asia: Alaska
Australia and Antarctica: Hawaii

Nikhil said...

The US states closest to other continents in the world.

So Alaska is closest to Asia, Maine to Europe and Africa, Hawaii to Oceania and Antarctica and Florida to South America. Connects fine :).

The Answer said...

Congrats Dev and Nikhil! They are the 6 US states that are closest to the 6 other continents (excluding North America) on earth.

Thanks Anon for playing!