A now famous antenna was used to listen to satellites. Also, it was to help listen to the universe. Listening to the universe needed quiet. However, all that was heard was a strange noise, a maddening hum.
The noise was first thought to be due to pigeons nesting inside the antenna. The pigeons were trapped and released many kilometers away, but they kept coming back to the antenna.
The pigeons were finally killed but the noise remained. Later, it was realized that the noise could be the residue of the event X. The noise has been called the most important scientific find of the 20th century and won the discoverers a Nobel prize.
What is the event X?
Gaussian White Noise?
X- Big Bang? If so, the noise is the cosmic microwave background radiaton...
The Cosmic Background Microwave radiation? It's discovery helped us verify the Big Bang hypothesis (X).
big bang
Trans atlantic radio transmission - Marconi
The big bang? I'm guessing the hum was EM waves from distant parts of the universe reaching us only now?
The Big Bang?
X is the Big Bang.
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