Sunday, 4 October 2009

Quiz question for October 3rd

On 18 December 1961, following the collapse of an American attempt to find a negotiated solution to the issue, the army of X entered Y. Z, which was then administering Y, had just suppressed a popular revolt in Angola, which had radicalised public opinion in X and helped precipitate X's actions on Y. Z took the matter to the security council, but a resolution calling for X to withdraw its troops immediately was defeated by the USSR's veto. Z surrendered on 19 december and X took over the administration of Y.

Identify X, Y and Z.

Hint: Although Z had to cede control of Y in 1961, its overseas empire only came to an end in 1999 after a negotiated handover of its last such territory.


Gaurav Kane said...

X= India
Y= Goa
Z= Portugal

Pinakin said...

Z-Great Britain
Y-Kenya ?
X-Uganda ?

Nikhil said...

Angola was under Portuguese rule. So Z=Portugal. From the dates it looks like X might be India and Y Goa. I think India annexed Goa in 1961.

Sailesh Ganesh said...

Since the handover happened in 1999, and since you used the word "empire", I am guessing, X is China, Y is Hong Kong, and Z is Britain.

The Answer said...

X= India,
Y= Goa,
Z= Portugal.

The last of Portugal's colonies was Macau, which was handed over to Chinese control under the One country-two systems arrangement in 1999.

Congratulations to Gaurav and Nikhil for the answer and to Pinakin and Sailesh for valiant attempts :)