Sunday 1 November 2009

Question for Novermber 1st

Y is a "fact" about X. Identify both X and Y.

One of the earliest known references to Y appears in a letter written in 1754 by the English antiquary William Stukeley. It appeared in the Ripley's Believe It or Not!'s cartoons from 1930s and Richard Halliburton's 1938 book Second Book of Marvels makes a similar claim. Y has achieved an urban legend status sometimes even appearing in school textbooks. Arthur Waldron, has speculated that the belief might go back to the fascination with the "canals" once believed to exist on Mars.

William Pogue spotted X with binoculars, but said that it wasn't visible to the unaided eye. U.S. Senator Jake Garn claimed to be able to see X with the naked eye, but his claim has been disputed by several U.S. astronauts. Ed Lu, Expedition 7 Science Officer, said that, "it's less visible than a lot of other objects. And you have to know where to look.".


Rahul said...

X- "Great wall of China"

Y- Claims (fact?) that it is the only man-made structure visible from space.

Ankur said...

X = UFO?
Y = Claim that an UFO looks like a
'Flying Saucer'?

Dev said...

Guess - X and Y refer to intelligent life on Mars, specifically to something that appears to be a giant face carved on the surface of Mars.

pratYk said...

X - Great Wall of China
Y - the notion/fact that it is visible from moon

Sailesh Ganesh said...

X is the Great Wall of China, and Y is the "fact" that it is the only man-made object visible from space!

anuj said...

Y- Great wall of china

The Answer said...

X is indeed the Great Wall of China and Y is the claim that it is the only man-made structure visible from the space/moon. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about it.

Congrats to all who got it right...