Sunday 15 November 2009

Reader Question

X is most commonly known by the name of its class, although there are more than 1500 varieties that come under this class. X is the most common organism used as a genetic model for studying various human diseases including neurogenerative disorders like Parkinson's, Huntington's and Alzeimer's disease. About 75% of known human disease genes have a recognizable match in the genetic code of X and 50% of its protein sequences have mammalian analogues. Its entire genome was sequenced in 2000 and many people have won Nobel Prize based on research using X as a model. Another reason why it is a preferred model in genetics is that it's easy to breed (the female of the species lays 500 eggs that can develop in 8 days) in a laboratory setting. X is considred as a serious agricultural pest and is the main reason why you can't carry fruits on international flights.

Name X.

(Question submitted by Varsha)


Gaurav Kane said...


Nikhil said...


Rahul said...

drosophila (fruit fly)

PS said...


shiv said...

The Fruit Fly?

Dev said...

The fruit fly?

misfit said...

fruit flies?

g3 said...

The fruit fly (Drosophilla Melanogaster I think)

The Answer said...

The answer is indeed the fruit fly, as most of you guessed. Extra points to Rahul and g3 for coming up with the scientific name!