Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Question for 3rd Feb, 2010

One of the famous papers in computer science/programming is Edsger Dijkstra's 1968 paper X Considered Harmful. An alternative viewpoint is presented in Donald Knuth's Structured Programming with X which analyzes many common programming tasks and finds that in some of them X is the optimal language construct to use. Frank Rubin published a criticism of Dijkstra's paper in the March 1987 CACM where it appeared as 'X Considered Harmful' Considered Harmful. The May 1987 CACM printed further replies, both for and against, as '"X Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful' Considered Harmful?. Dijkstra's own response to this controversy was titled On a somewhat disappointing correspondence.

You have probably encountered X if you have learnt any kind of computer programming. What's X?


Ankur said...

GOTO statement..

PS said...

that was a juicy fulltoss:) GOTO

AJ said...


Unknown said...

Ahh... GOTO statement

misfit said...


Dev said...


Anonymous said...

go to statement

SKK said...

Function Pointers? Recursion?

The Answer said...

X = the GOTO statement.

Recursion was a very good guess too, given the clue.