Monday, 8 February 2010

Question for Feb 8, 2010 - PS

X was born on May 14, 1970 in Denver, CO and raised in Jerusalem. He came to MIT for his Masters and co-authored several papers in algorithms and complexity theory, one of which led to the startup, Y, that he became famous for. In the Fall of 1997, X got the idea of writing a business plan based on his thesis work and entering it in MIT's $50K Contest. He lost the contest, but nonetheless formed the company Y the next year. Y is a Hawaiian word meaning smart or intelligent. While Y is hardly a household name, it handles about 15% of all Internet traffic today.

In September, 2001, he was on American Flight 11 on his way to meetings in California when his plane was hijacked.

The award given to the best student-authored paper at the premier computer science conference, ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) is named after X.

Identify X and Y.


Dev said...

I don't know this, so random guess:
X - Matchey
Y - Akamai

misfit said...

Lewin - Akamai

The Answer said...

X = Danny Lewin, founder of Y = Akamai.

He died on board the flight that crashed into the WTC, few minutes before the flight actually crashed, stabbed during a fight with the hijackers (he was seated next to the hijackers, he had served 4 years in the Israel military, trained in counter-terrorism).

Congrats misfit, and good guess Dev.