2) San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano had sponsored a bill which passed unanimously granting the Port of San Francisco financial power to redevelop a former shipyard for a new neighborhood known as Pier 70. Governer Arnold Schwarzenegger's office's veto message reply to this bill:
3) Jonathan Schwartz's internal memo to Sun employees, on its acquisition by Oracle:
The list is not exhaustive, but these are some of the famous examples of what is called an "acrostic". What is an "acrostic"?
The first letters in each line make up something else. In these clues:
1. Alice Pleasance Liddell
2. I fuck you
3. Beat IBM.
1. Alice Pleasance Lidell: could be the full name of Alice, who was mentioned in the poem
2. Fuck You
3. Beat IBM
Acrostic is a hidden message formed by first letter of each line in a poem or a text
I remember reading of the controversy surrounding the Schwarzenegger memo. He had coded some message involving Fuck in it! I am guessing an acrostic is text that has a message coded in it which can be read by picking out the right letters...
Alice Pleasance Liddell (Had to Wiki to know who that person is)
Fuck you (Got this as an email forward before)
Beat IBM.
Maybe "Acrostic" means hiding the original message in the first letter of each line.
An acrostic might be a coded message. In the three examples, the first letters on each line spell the following:
1. Alice ...(something something)
2. F**k you
3. Beat IBM
All of these contain messages within the text. The first letters of each line in the Schwarzenegger letter spell out "Fuck You", and Jonathan Schwartz's memo spells out "Beat IBM. I guess that's an acrostic.
An acrostic is a poem or other form of writing, in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message.
(PS: I'm sure we've all used acrostics in our school days to memorize things like periodic tables, chemical equations, trigonometry, etc.)
1) Alice Pleasance Liddell, the real-life Alice who inspired Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.
2) Arnold's not so subtle "fuck you" message to the members of the state assembly.
3) Jon Schwartz's hidden memo to his employees, "Beat IBM"
Congrats Nikhil, Gypsy, Rahul, Hari, Dev, Sailesh.
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