Wednesday 8 September 2010

QOTD - 8 Sep 2010 - Hari

The origins of X are uncertain, although western sources suggest that the game is of Sub-continental origin. The official body for X was formed in 1988 and the rules of X were also codified for the first time the same year.

Games similar to X appear all over Asia, e.g., Vindi vindi in Fiji and Szhe szhe in Israel. Other notable variants of X include Novuss, played in the Baltic states, Puckpool in Australia, Tōkyūban in Japan, and Crokinole and Pitchnut  in North America.

Identify X.


Angelus said...

Gilli Danda

Nikhil said...


Ankur said...


Sailesh Ganesh said...

Puckpool in Australia, hmm, is this carrom?

The Answer said...

The answer is Carrom. Congrats Sailesh and thanks to Angelus, Nikhil and Ankur for playing.