Thursday 9 September 2010

X: A symbol (Sept 10th 2010)

Identify X in the quote below.  The picture above is related to X.
"As for the X's famous color, __, it was not an obvious choice. Mr. Starr reports that Ammann favored gray (as used for the __), and others wanted black. While the Navy “preferred a yellow and black striping to facilitate visibility __ through low-lying fog,” the Army Air Corps wanted a red-and-white color scheme more visible from the air. The __ paint was primer, used to protect __ against the elements, and it gradually went from being a default choice to the color of choice.

In an over-the-top burst of purple prose, Mr. Starr observes that __ not only “unified the __ into one compelling statement,” but also summoned memories of “the gold of the __ that had created the __, and the gold of the Golden Horn of the Bosporus first suggested by John Frémont when he named the site in 1846 and by metaphor evoked a color-drenched city of towers, domes, and stepped-back structures rising like Constantinople from blue waters along green hillsides, their red-tiled roofs touching a sun-flooded azure sea.”"

(Michiko Kakutani; New York Times Book Review Aug 23, 2010).


Nikhil said...

The Golden Gate bridge. Nice workoutable question.

anuj said...

golden bridge

Dev said...


The Answer said...

Golden Gate Bridge it is! Congrats Nikhil and Anuj.. Thanks Dev for playing!