Wednesday 15 September 2010

Question for Sep 15 - PS

X was originally built by Ajatashatru in 490 BC as a small fort, and turned into the world's largest city in 300 BC with a population of about 400,000. It was the capital of the Magadhas, Nandas, Mauryans, Sungas and the Guptas down to the Palas, until it was destroyed by the Muslim raiders in the 12th century. Afterwards Sher Shah Suri made X his capital and changed its name to Y.
Y is a city in present-day India with a current population of 1,697,976.

Identify X and Y.


Nikhil said...

Patliputra, Patna?

Rahul said...

Pataliputra/Patna. Not sure though since I would have expected a higher population for present day Patna...

AJ said...

Patliputra & Patna?

anangrawat said...

Kanauj or kanpur?

IC said...

Pataliputra, present day Patna

Angelus said...

Pataliputra and Patna.

anuj said...

X- pataliputra

The Answer said...

X = Pataliputra, Y = Patna
Congrats all.