Thursday 16 September 2010

Question for September 16, 2010

Connect the following images:



Sailesh Ganesh said...

Pic 1 is Young's experiment, pic 2 is Schrodinger's car, pic 3 represents Einstein's quote, "God does not play dice" and pic 4 is Feynman's van with Feynman diagrams painted on it.

The connect is quantum mechanics, specifically the uncertainty principle that reduces all microscopic actions to probabilities.

Angelus said...


Ankur said...

My guess is quantum physics experiments.

2. is the Schrodinger's cat expt.

4. I think belongs to Feynman, with his famous diagram on it.

1,3 could be basic quantum physics expts.

Rahul said...

Not sure of the last picture but the others seem to be-
1. QM effects in the double slit experiment.
2. Schrodinger's cat thought experiment.
3. Dice, perhaps referring to Einstein's comment that god doesn't play dice.

So, connect might be QM, wave-matter duality or the uncertainty principle

Nikhil said...

Quantum mechanics.

1st pics is the experiment which proved the quantum nature of light. 2nd is Schrondinger's cat & 3rd pic is reference to Einstien's famous quote "God does not play dice" (his views on Quantum mechanics). Not sure how the 4th pics connects.

Srini Iyer said...

a) gold foil expt
b)schroedinger's cat

uncertainty principle ?

The Answer said...

The connect is Quantum Physics/Mechanics. The pics are the double-slit experiment, Schrodinger's cat, clue to Einstein's quote "God does not play dice" and Feynman's van with his diagrams on it. Congrats all!