Thursday 17 September 2009

Name the invention.

1 correct answer and 43 quintillion wrong ones. The inventor of the invention became the first self-made millionaire from the communist block. One eighth of the world's population has laid hands on it. Still considered to be the world's best selling of its kind.

Name the invention.


Nikhil said...

AK-47 or the "Kalashnikov" by Anatoly Kalashnikov?

Ankur said...

My guess would be some newspaper game. Sudoku? (I guess a large sudoku
would have 1 correct answer and 43 quintillion wrong ones.). Was it invented by a Communist bloc guy?

anuj said...

rubik cube

pratYk said...

Rubik's cube ?

Sidharth said...

Rubik's Cube

Rahul said...

It seems like some puzzle which involves arranging things in one right way out of 43 quintillion combinations... Some word/colour puzzle?

Nirav Kanodra said...

Rubiks cube

SKK said...

Rubik's cube!


A few links.