Tuesday 18 August 2009

Question for August 18th - PS

Connect the following:



3 (audio):


Nikhil said...

I think the first pic is the Tesla Roadster, the electric car. The 2nd pic is an electric chair used for execution. 3rd mp3 is Space Oddity by David Bowie.

My guess is that these are the first instances of electricity being used for the respective things: cars, executing people and the first song recording using all electric equipment (no acoustic instruments at all)??

Roy said...

Nikola Tesla

The Tesla electric car
The Electric chair... uses alternating current...his work.
"Ground control to Major Tom" - David Bowie ...played the role of Tesla in The Prestige.

Ankur said...

My guess (I got it by absolute fluke)

1. Tesla Car Brand(I zooooomed into the logo and it reads Tesla I think, would have never recognized it.)

2. Electric execution chair

3. Never heard this song...

[Nikola Tesla invented electricity, so Tesla motors has something to do with that. Connect to the Electric execution chair is obvious. Do not know how 3 connects (may be something to do with an electric guitar?)].

Kiran Vyakaranam said...

The first image is Tesla roadster
the second image is an electric chair
the mp3 is space oddity - david bowie.
I'm not sure what the connection is to the third but it could be Nikola Tesla. did he invent the electric chair?

Dev said...

My guess for the connect: "electric"

1. Electric car - Tesla Roadster
2. Electric Chair
3. Unsure - Electric sound - Beatles (i think)

Madhur said...

A super Vague guess!!
1)Tesla Electric Car
2)Electric Chair
3)David Bowie - song name forgotten :)

So I have no clue about the David Bowie connect, but am assuming electricity (am assuming the chair uses AC) is somewhere connected in them all. So since I cannot really connect electricity to David Bowie(?), so the next guess is Tesla ( maybe a song was written or something..)

So my guess is Tesla?

Hariharasudhan Viswanathan said...

The first picture is that of the electric sports car Tesla...the second picture reminds me of Green mile somehow..i am not familiar with the details of the third clue though I have heard it before...

My guess would be it has something to do with Tom Hanks/ the documentary "Who killed the electric car?" Hanks is a major proponent of hybrid/electric car technologies...

Rahul said...

The first figure might be an electric car (Tesla Roadster is my guess from the logo), the second is an electric chair for executions/shock treatment and the .mp3 is a song I don't know but including definite elecric guitar playing.

So, my attempt at a connect is "electric versions of famous non-electric devices that are proving/have proved to be popular"

pratYk said...

I guess Tesla is the link between 3 items ..

1) Tesla Roadster - the electric sports car

2) electric chair (invented as a result of Tesla's electrical experiments, maybe ?)
I am not sure about this ..

3) The artist for that song is David Bowie .. he played Tesla in a recent movie .. The Prestige ...

IC said...

Ok, that's an electric chair and the first electric chair used Tesla's a/c. That much I knew. But I was clueless about the link between the car and Tesla. But thanks to Google, now I know that's a Tesla roadster.
The link must be Tesla.
The song Ground control is by David Bowie. Don't know much about him except he looks kind of brain dead to me. Did he ever forgetfully sit on an electric chair?

shiv said...

The Movie "The Prestige" ??

1. The Car is the 'Tesla' (Electric)
2. Electric Chair - Tesla and the electricity connection?
3. 'Ground Control to Major Tom' is the song by David Bowie

David Bowie plays Nicola Tesla in " The Prestige"


The Answer said...

Answer: Nikola Tesla

1) A picture of the Tesla roadster. Tesla Motors is a recent startup company making electric cars, named after Nikola Tesla. The Roadster's motor is a three-phase Tesla AC induction motor.

2) The electric chair. The invention of the electric chair was a direct result of the War of Currents (AC vs DC) between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_Currents ). Neither wanted their invention (AC/DC) to be chosen for the electric chair, it would not be good for the popularity of their respective technology. Edison then hired an employee, Harold Brown, to build the electric chair using AC, and used this to claim that Tesla's invention, AC, was more lethal than DC. More at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_Chair

3) Space Oddity by David Bowie. Bowie plays Nikola Tesla in The Prestige. When casting for the movie, Christopher Nolan wanted to choose someone who was not a film star, but was otherwise a famous personality. He ended up choosing Bowie.

Apart from AC, Tesla also invented radio!

Congratulations to Roy, Kiran, Madhur, Prats, Ishani, Shiva, for getting Tesla right.
Lots of others also got parts of the question correct.