Wednesday 26 August 2009

Reader Question

This question is courtesy Kavita.

The visuals (A-E) form an exhaustive list. Identify the list.

Hint: We’re long aware of the basic existence of (A), (B), (C) and (E). Although first described in 1908, (D) has been only recently been recognized as a _____ since the cloning of a specific amino acid detector in 2002.


truce said...

Taste sensations?

pratYk said...

1. Sugar ?

2. Salt

3. Milk If the months denote anything, it might be the milk going bad or fermenting ..

4. Fish sauce ..

5. ....

Are we talking about the sense of taste ?

Sweet (sugar)/
Salty (salt) /
Sour (milk aging / fermenting into buttermilk)
Tangy ?

an obvious one remaining is bitter and I assume that the image reflects bitter nature of man using a biblical reference of Ephesians 4:31

SKK said...

all kinds of Vitamin B. I am guessing the fish thingy has B-12!

Dev said...

A is glucose, B is salt, C is lactic acid. No idea about D and guess would be 5 essential nutrients.

Madhur said...

Taste sensations -
A) Sweet
B) Salty
C) Sour
D) .. No idea :)
E) Bitter


Nikhil said...

Good question (if I am right :))

These are the 5 fundamental tastes that humans can detect.

1. Sweet: The molecule is C6H12O6 which is either fructose or glucose (or both).
2. Salty
3. Sour (not sure why, probably something to do with milk going sour, but it connects :)
4. Umami (The taste in ajinomoto). Probably in that Fish sauce too.
5. Bitter (Don't know what the pic is, but it connects).

IC said...

These are the 5 sensations of taste. The first C6H12O6 is sugar or sweetness. Second is saltiness. Third is old milk, so sourness and 5th is bitterness. The newly discovered is the oriental taste, long known in Japanese cuisine though. I don't know its specific name.

Great question! Thanks.

The Answer said...

The five "basic tastes" by which all foods and tastes can be grouped.

We’ve been long aware of the basic existence of sweetness,bitterness, saltiness and sourness. Although first described in 1908, umami has only recently been recognized as the fifth basic ­taste since the cloning of a specific amino acid receptor in 2002.

A = C6H12O6 glucose (sweetness),
B = Sea salt (saltiness),
C = Expired milk (sourness)
D = Fish sauce (umami),
E = Tree suggesting "Deadly root of bitterness" (bitterness)

Well done truce, Prats, Madhur, Nikhil and Ishani.