Friday 28 August 2009

Question for Aug 28, 2009

X is a genre of film or theater in Japan, which means period drama. Films in this genre are somtimes referred to as chambara, which means sword fight. However, chambara is only a subgroup of X. These films show the lives of samurai and other ordinary people, often culminating, not surprisingly, in a sword fight. Films made in this genre have often been remade in Hollywood as westerns. Y admitted to being inspired by the works of Kurosawa made in X, and many of the thematic elements of his movie, Z, bear the influence of chambara. It is also widely assumed that the word X gave rise to a similar sounding term used to describe certain people in Z.

Identify X, Y and Z. When you get one of the three, the other two are straightforward.

Edit: I realized the question can be a bit misleading, so I am adding another piece to it. The people in Z described by the term derived from X are the "heroes", if you may, of Z.

If you have already taken a guess, and think you want to change your guess based on this, feel free to go ahead and take another guess.


Ankur said...

Y = Q Tarantino?

Z = Kill Bill?

X = Martial Arts?

AJ said...

I am guessing the Y is Kill Bill, Z is Quentin Tarantino and X is the group name that the Japanese sniper belonged to Sakurai? No clue.

Dev said...

Y - Sergio Leone
Z - A fistfull of dollars
X - ? don't know...Yojimbo? Ninja? Samurai?

I shall google for X...

pratYk said...

X = Sengoku ...

The format/genre that many animes / manga / games follow ..

Y = John Sturges, director of Z

Z = Magnificent Seven ... "inspired" by Kurosawa's Seven Samurai and which even contained dialogues from the original.

Kavita Shah said...

Z = Kill Bill
Y = Quentin Tarantino
X = jidaigeki (I google the word chambara and figured that one out)! :P

anuj said...

x: jidaigeki (googled this part )
y:quentin tarantino
z:kill bill

The Answer said...

The genre is Jidaigeki, of which chambara is a sub-group. George Lucas adapted this word to give name to the Jedi in Star Wars.

Unfortunately, no one got the correct answer. A couple of you got the genre with googling, but surprisingly, did not get the movie correct. This ended up being tougher than I thought it was, my apologies for that.